
Notes from Node.js Security: Pentesting and Exploitation course on StackSkills.


Full code examples on github

Global Namespace Pollution

Be very careful with global variables.

HTTP Parameter Polution (express)

If you pass the same url parameter multiple times in request they will all be read as comma seperated values.
For example consider this code:

app.get('/hpp', (req, res) => {

And we sent this request url/hpp?id=123&id=456 the response would be 123,456, be aware of the implications of this.

eval() is Evil

Be careful with eval.
For example consider this code:

app.get('/eval', (req, res) => {
    let resp=eval("("+req,")");

We could pass something like process.exit(1) using the name parameter and this would kill the web server. We could leverage an exploit like this to allow a remote connection to the web server.

Remote OS Command Execution

Be careful with child_process.
For example consider this code:

var exe = require('child_process');  
app.get('/os', (req, res) => {
    exe.exec('ping -c 2 ' +, (err, data) => {

We could pass something like; whoami, and get the whoami response back from the host. Obviously we could do much more malicious things than determine the user.

Untrusted User Input

For example consider this code:

app.get('/hello', (req, res) => {
    res.send('hello ' +;

We could pass someting like <img src=x onerror=alert('haha')> and that html would be rendered allowing us to do things like XSS.

Regex DoS

Ensure you are using safe regex, if you use unsafe regex, it will be easy for attackers to induce load on your server.

Information Disclosure

Ideally we want to hide things like our techstack/frameworks from the users (and attackers), this info can come up in headers, error pages, and cookies.
Helmet can be used to help make this easier.

To disable the x-powered-by header you can either do app.disable('x-powered-b') or if you are using helmet, app.use(helmet.hidePoweredBy())

Secure Code Tips

Use strict mode.
Use helmet (if you are using express) or obfuscate the same info yourself.

Things to check in a code review

  • File & DB Operations
  • Insecure Crypto
  • Insecure SSL
  • Insecure Server to Server SSL
  • Logical Flaws
  • Untrusted user input