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Diffusion Clip

This makes it easy to train and apply diffusion moedls to images. The tool being wrapped is gwang-kim/DiffusionCLIP

    Docker tooling for gwang-kim/DiffusionCLIP.

    The entrypoint is a highly opinionated wrapper on the edit single image operation, to do other things or to override options override the entrypoint.


    Example: docker-compose run dc --model_path pretrained/imagenet_cubism_t601.pth --config imagenet.yml --img_path ../working/test.jpg

    --model_pathpretrained/${Name of model you put in checkpoints dir}
    --configEither celeba.yml, imagenet.yml, afqh.yml or `` (read in source repo)
    --img_path../working/{Name of file you want to process in working dir}


    Be sure to read in the source repo about what needs to go into pretrained (checkpoints) and data.

    Local PathPurpose
    ../../volumes/checkpointsPretrained models
    ../../volumes/dataData to train on
    ../../volumes/workingRepo to put file into for processing and to get processed files out of
    ../../volumes/cachePython cache