
I have dockerized a number of open source tools for machine learning and data science. For each tool you will find a docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile, and an info.yml. The info.yml provides a standardized view of how to leverage the tool. I have written scripts that use the information defined int he info.yml files to make the tools easy to use in a consistent manner.

Getting Started

In order for the scripts to work, you will need to install the following:

  • python3/pip3/virtualenv (then run pip3 install -r requirements.txt or pip3 install -r dev-requirements.txt for development)
  • docker+docker-compose
  • NVIDIA Container Toolkit

An interactive script ( is provided to help:

  • initialize volume directories used by the tools
  • download required datasets/models/checkpoints


If you are using these for production or dont want bloat I would reccomend using your own images, these images are geared towards making things easy, not optimized

The compose file in each tool directory knows how to build the images (which are not currently on docker hub). All of the tools extend one of the base images defined in this repo:

Alot of data is downloaded in the course of building these images, if you need to share them across multiple machines in a local network I would reccomend using a local registry (example config).

Background Remover

This tool removes the background from images or videos. The tool being wrapped is nadermx/backgroundremover

Diffusion Clip

This makes it easy to train and apply diffusion moedls to images. The tool being wrapped is gwang-kim/DiffusionCLIP


This tool enhances images in a number of ways, the tool being wrapped is TenacentARC/GFPGAN


This tool can denoise, dehaze, deblur, derain, and enhance images. The tool being wrapped is google-research/maxim.

Real Esrgan

This tool enhances images in a number of ways, the tool being wrapped is xinntao/Real-ESRGAN