Github Copilot

AI Assisted Coding

Github Copilot is a new feature that allows you to write code using AI. It is currently in beta and is available for free to all Github users. It is currently available for Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Java.

The statement above was actually written but copilot when I opened this file and started trying to type…it is also worth noting that the last statement of that paragraph leaves out the fact that it can help in any language that is used to develop software in the open(including markdown, obviously as it wrote that statement in this file). Github Copilot is incredibly and can greatly increase your productivity. It is not perfect, but it is getting better every day. It is also worth noting that it is not a replacement for a human programmer, but it can help you write code faster and more efficiently (also written by copilot). I use it inside VS Code using the copilot extension but there are integrations available for a variety of editors and IDEs.

I would definitely recommend trying it out, there is a 60 day free trial.