
Simple Storage Service (object storage)


  • S3 Standard - 4 9’s Availability, 11 9’s durability, designed to sustain the concurrent loss of 2 data centers

  • S3 Standard IA - For data that is infrequently accessed but requires rapid access when it is accessed

  • S3 One Zone IA - For data that does not require multi-az durability is infrequently accessed but requires rapid access when it is accessed

  • S3 Glacier - Secure, durable, cheap. Can take minutes to hours to retrieve (configurbale)

  • S3 Glacier Deep Archive - Can take up to 12 hours to retrieve

  • S3 Intelligent-Tiered - Automatically adjusts tier of objects to optimize cost while maintaining performance


  • Storage
  • Requests
  • Storage Management
  • Data Transfer
  • Transfer Acceleration
  • Cross Region Replication

Object Attributes

  • Key
  • Value (object)
  • Version ID
  • Metadata


  • Versioning - Stores a version of every change (including deletes). Charged storage for each version.
  • Life Cycle Management - Can be used to manage tier of storage based off rules you define or automatically. Can be applied to current and previous versions.
  • Cross Region Replication - Can automatically replicate objects to a different bucket in another region. Does not apply to objects created before Cross Region Replication is configured. Versioning must be enabled (in both buckets), and delete markers are not replicated.
  • Accelertation - When using acceleration you always upload to edge locations rather than to directly to the bucket, then the file is transfer along amazon’s backbone to the data center(s) your bucket resides in. Acceleration does not always result in faster uploads.


  • Files can be 0B-5TB
  • Bucket names must be globally unique
  • Supports MFA Delete
  • Read after write consistency for PUTs of new objects
  • Eventual Consistency for overwrite PUTs and DELETEs
  • Once enabled, versioning can never be disabled, only suspended
  • Snowball is a physical device that can be used to import or export data from S3

File Gateways

Physical device with direct line to Amazon.

  • File Gateway - For flat files stored directly on S3
  • Volume Gateway
    • Stored Volumes - Entire dataset is stored on site and asynchronously backed up to S3
    • Cached Volumes - Entire dataset is stored on S3 and most frequently accessed data is cached on site