- Read Replicas are for performance
- Multi-AZ is for DR
- SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Aurora, MariaDB
- Runs on VM’s but you do not have OS level access to them
- Patched by Amazon
- Not serverless (except for Aurora Serverless)
- Encryption at rest is supported
- SQL Server and Oracle can have a maximum of 2 databases per instance
- Aurora
- 2 copies of the data is stored in each AZ at a minimum of 3 AZ’s
- Snapshots can be shared across accounts
- Automated backups turned on by default
- No SQL
- Uses SSDs
- Spread accross 3 geographically distinct data centers
- Eventual consistent reads by default but strongly consistent reads can be enabled (for a cost).
- Name and value combined cannot exceed 400kb
- Memcached (caching)
- Redis (caching + pub/sub)
- For Business Inelligence or Data Warehousing
- Only available in 1 AZ
- Can restore snapshots to new AZs if there is an outage
- Can retain backups for a maximum of 35 days
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