How to easily configure a Route53 domain for use with Office 365

As an avid user of both O365 and Route53, I am frequently configuring new domains on O365. I quickly got frustrated with the experience so I whipped up a little script to make my life easier. To make the the lives of others easier, I recently wrapped it up in my aws-mgmt-utils package as a bin.


  • A domain in a hosted zone on Route53
  • An active O365 Subscription (you can start a trial if you dont have one)
  • The aws-cli is installed and configured on your machine
  • Node.js & npm


  1. In a terminal, install my utils - npm install -g aws-mgmt-utils (you may need to be admin)
  2. In a browser go to the O365 Admin Page and click Add a Domain
  3. Enter your domain and click next
  4. Copy the TXT Value field (it should look something like MS=ms38863110)
  5. In a terminal create/update your TXT record - r53-update-record ${your_domain} TXT ${value_from_4}
  6. In the browser click Verify (you may need to wait a few minutes while DNS propagates)
  7. In a terminal update all your other records - r53-o365 ${your_domain}
  8. Back in the browser you should now be able to click through the rest of the prompts (again, you may need to wait a few minutes for DNS)

Hope this helps! If you want to check out my node aws utilities further or request new features you can do that on github here.